On The Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast

Episode #88: Going Back To The Future To 1985

Episode 88

On this episode Jerry and Nick get in their On The Money Time Machine and they go Back To The Future to 1985. 

 A time when: 

  • Ronald Reagan was President
  • The San Francisco 49ers defeated the Miami Dolphins during Super Bowl XIX
  • The song We Are the World was recorded
  • Legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight throws a chair across the court
  • Boxer Mike Tyson makes his professional debut with a 1st round knockout
  • Coca-Cola debuts New Coke which turned into an epic failure
  • The movie Back to the Future opens and is the highest-grossing film that year.   

What can we learn from 1985? What financial mistakes can we get into if we try to solve 2020 problems with 1985 solutions? You’ll discover this and more on this weeks Podcast.

Enjoy the show!
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