On The Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast
Join America's Father & Son Retirement Wealth Team, Jerry and Nick Royer, as they co-host the On The Money with Jerry & Nick Royer Podcast which is your one stop show for financial tips and ideas you can use to help get you to and through retirement with more confidence and clarity. Jerry and Nick are TV personalities on CBS, NBC, and ABC news affiliates. They are also keynote speakers, authors, radio show hosts, and consumer advocates. Their nationally syndicated radio show airs on numerous stations and coast-to-coast on iHeartRadio. And now you can benefit each week just like thousands of other radio listeners by tuning in to their Weekly Podcast.
93 episodes
Episode #100: What Should I Do With My Old 401k?
This podcast is the second in the series called the Royer/Kennedy Tapes where Nick Royer and Emmy Award Winning TV News Anchor Erin Kennedy will explore everything financial and everything retirement. In this episode, they discuss what y...

Episode #99: Can I Retire Early?
This podcast is the first in the series called the Royer/Kennedy Tapes where Nick Royer and Emmy Award Winning TV News Anchor Erin Kennedy will explore everything financial and everything retirement. In this episode, they explore the ins...

Episode #98 Merry Christmas and Happy New-Flation???
While the holiday season is upon us, new challenges are hitting your pocketbook beyond having to just buy those presents. There’s inflation that’s gone higher than it has in decades and then there’s also the challenges of getting those gifts du...
Episode 98

Episode 97: 5 Tips To Get On The RIGHT Financial Track
So many retirees are getting to retirement and they come to find out there are some things happening in their financial life that’s causing them unnecessary problems. Things that are causing their retirements to potentially be “Off-Track”. Duri...
Episode 97

Episode #96: What’s Keeping You Up At 2AM?
What keeps you up at night? What’s on your mind at 2 in the morning? Well, after doing our radio show for close to 9 years now, we get lots of phone calls from our listeners, and the same 5 questions keep coming up. The same 5 questions that ke...
Episode 96

Episode #95: Why’s Gene Simmons from KISS Leaving California?
There’s a lot changing in the world! New government proposals that are circulating the rumor mill could dramatically change the future of retirement. And many people (even celebrities) are making some adjustments that’s getting a little attenti...
Episode 95

Episode #94 The Best of Jerry & Nick: What's That Turkey Really Cost?
It’s the holiday season, buying gifts and eating food. On this weeks podcast, Jerry and Nick talk about how much all of this stuff cost back in 1965 when Jerry first entered the financial planning world. - Discover how much of a...
Episode 94

Episode #93: Interview on the Mary Flynn Show- How’s The Election & Pandemic Going To Affect Your Money in the Future?
Elections, pandemics, market volatility, and future uncertainty seems to be the talk of all of the 24/7 news networks. But what does this really mean to you and your money? What plans should you have in place? Jerry and Nick share their outlook...
Episode 93
Episode #92: Will the Election Rattle Your Retirement?
What’s on everyone's mind right now? The Elections and how it could affect the economy and your finances. What’s it mean to your pocketbook? Jerry and Nick bring the stats and the historical point of view with about 100 years...
Episode 92
Episode #91 Is The Robo-Advisor A Good Guy or A Bad Guy?
What’s a Robo-Advisor anyway? A good guy or a bad guy? Friend or Foe? Jerry and Nick talk about the pro’s, con’s and strings attached of technology in the financial planning and retirement planning arena. On this Podcast you’l...
Episode 91
Episode #90 WARNING Taxes Are Likely Heading Higher
On this episode, Jerry and Nick talk about the future of taxes in retirement and they provide some pro-tips that are direct from their book Defuse - The 7 Steps To Saving Your 401k from the IRS. On this podcast you’ll di...
Episode 90
Episode #89 Crazy Things We're Seeing
On this episode Jerry and Nick talk about the crazy things they’ve seen in 2020. From t-shirts to cruise ships to dividends being cut out and companies closing down, what’s all of this mean to your pocket book? What can you do about it?<...
Episode 89
Episode #88: Going Back To The Future To 1985
On this episode Jerry and Nick get in their On The Money Time Machine and they go Back To The Future to 1985. A time when: Ronald Reagan was PresidentThe San Francisco 49ers defeated the Miami ...
Episode 88

Episode #87: Timeless Financial Advice
On this episode, Jerry and Nick talk about the lessons that you can learn from some of the greats like Ben Franklin, Yogi Berra, and Mark Twain. You’ll hear about how some of their wisdom from years past can tie into helping you achieve a solid...
Episode 87

Episode #86: The Can and Can’t Sees of Retirement
On this episode of the On the Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast we talk about the financial things that you typically can see and the dangerous hidden things you oftentimes can’t see financially. It’s those can’t sees that can derail you ...
Episode 86

Episode #85: 10-Steps To Surviving A Layoff or Furlough
On this episode of the On the Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast we talk about the new reality in the ongoing pandemic. With companies going out of business or cutting back just to survive, lay offs and furloughs are skyrocketing ...
Episode 85

Episode #84: Talking with The Man and Woman On The Street
On this episode of the On the Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast we have sent our team to talk with the Man and Woman “On The Street”. What’s concerning them, what’s on their mind from their own mouth. That’s what you’ll find out on this w...
Episode 84

Episode #83 The CARES Act- What's It Mean For Your Wallet
The $2 trillion dollar CARES Act is taking affect across America and the checks are starting to hit peoples bank accounts, but what does this really mean for your wallet? That’s what this weeks Podcast is all about. You’ll disc...
Episode 83

Episode #82- Interview with John Hopkins- Help Protect Yourself From COVID-19
Be sure to tune into this special edition of the On the Money with Jerry and Nick Royer Podcast where you’ll hear from an expert from Johns Hopkins about what seniors need to know about the Covid-19 pandemic.
Episode 82

Episode #81 Coronavirus Scam ALERT!
During the ongoing Coronavirus crisis, scams are running rampant. They know you’re home, they know you're worried, and new scams are taking advantage. We talk about these scams and how you can protect yourself. On this Podcas...
Episode 81

Podcast #80 Coronavirus - What To Expect and What You Should Do?
With the country shut down, unemployment on the rise, and the markets acting incredibly volatile, what should you expect, and what should you do? That’s the topic of this podcast with Jerry and Nick Royer, along with their co-host Mark Elliott....
Episode 80

Podcast #79 Elections and the Markets with Jeff Bush of the Washington Update
It’s election year and what to expect is on everyone's mind, so Jerry and Nick have gone to their Washington Insider Jeff Bush. He’s from the Washington Update and has a lot of insight into the elections and how it’s going to affect th...
Episode 79

Podcast #78 Coronavirus and the Markets
On this weeks podcast, Jerry and Nick talk about the Coronavirus on the Mary Flynn Show. How’s it affecting the market and should you be worried in the long-term?We talk about:How this compares against other similar situation...
Episode 78